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To enhance services for tax professionals and their clientele, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has initiated a comprehensive phone survey, set to unfold from today until January 19, 2024, as revealed in an official email statement.

Voluntary Participation Encouraged

Tax practitioners can voluntarily participate in this initiative, with respondents randomly selected to share their insights during a brief 20-minute survey. Stressing the importance of improving user experience, the IRS aims to gather valuable feedback on diverse topics such as e-filing, due diligence requirements, data security, and electronic document submission.

Anonymity and Confidentiality Prioritized

The IRS has assured participants that all responses will remain both anonymous and confidential. Tax professionals will not be required to disclose any personal or client-specific information during the survey process.

Independent Research Firm to Lead Survey

To maintain objectivity, the IRS has enlisted the services of ICF, an independent research firm. Operating between 8 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday, the firm will conduct the survey via phone calls originating from the 816 area code.

This initiative signifies the IRS’s commitment to fostering a collaborative dialogue with tax professionals, underscoring its dedication to continuous improvement and delivering top-notch services.

Source ( Journal of Accountancy News).