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The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) encourages employers to opt for electronic filing for their upcoming quarterly payroll tax returns due on October 31, 2023. While paper filing is still an option, the IRS strongly advocates for e-filing, emphasizing its security, accuracy, and time-saving benefits.

E-filing offers employers a hassle-free experience with auto-populated forms, step-by-step processes, and built-in calculations, ensuring accuracy in their submissions. What’s more, employers can rest assured as the IRS promptly acknowledges the receipt of e-filed returns within 24 hours, providing confidence that their documents have been received and processed. E-file users also receive alerts for any missing information, enhancing the accuracy of their filings.

Employers have two convenient options for electronic filing:

  1. Self-File with IRS-Approved Software: Employers can choose suitable IRS-approved software tailored to their needs. Although there might be a fee associated with this service, it guarantees secure filing. To e-file through this method, employers must either obtain an online signature PIN or scan and attach Form 8453-EMP, the Employment Tax Declaration for an IRS e-file Return, with the required signature.
  2. Hire a Tax Professional: Alternatively, employers can engage a tax professional to prepare and file their employment tax returns. The IRS offers an Authorized IRS e-file Provider Locator Service to help businesses find qualified professionals who can file on their behalf.

Necessary Deadline Extensions for Disaster-Affected Employers:

In light of recent federally declared disaster areas, certain employers have been granted extensions for filing and payment deadlines:

  • Employers in Vermont now have until November 15, 2023, to file and pay.
  • Maine, Massachusetts, and South Carolina employers have until February 15, 2024, for their filings and payments.
  • Parts of Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, and Louisiana are also granted an extension until February 15, 2024, for filing and payment.
  • Employers affected by the State of Israel terrorist attacks have until October 7, 2024, to fulfill their filing and payment obligations.

For further details on the electronic filing of payroll tax returns, employers are encouraged to visit the IRS E-file Employment Tax Forms page.

Source (IRS News).